No one to date has come to us advising how these horrific stickers can be removed form an autograph without damaging the original item. Many collectors would like to know?
This sticker fiasco begs the question of all our readers. PSA/DNA has added this sticker to the original 1930's card and basically has ruined the originality of the 80 year old collectible card. What happens if some person wanted to submit the card to PSA/DNA for grading? Maybe, they'll just grade the front of the card!
The following is a copy of a email from one of our educated readers and how he feels about the sticker atrocity:
From their new 2009 Goudey baseball product, they have inserted original Goudey cards that were autographed. As you can see, PSA/DNA has attached their sticker to an original 1934 Goudey card. What a bunch of morons!

Original 1934 Goudey Baseball Card Defaced by PSA/DNA Authentication Registration Sticker
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